Saturday, 7 May 2016

Can we weave this statement into our inner being:

"God regards me. God values me. God finds me acceptable even in my growing awareness of my brokenness, weakness, my inability to overcome my flaws and even my lack of faith. I can take off all my masks, let others know my truth, and even if they struggle to accept me in my truth, I can go towards the ultimate truth and that is that God loves me unconditionally." 

Thursday, 5 May 2016

We want to have a renewed attitude to our emotionality. While we want to be free from the inhibiting dictates of our emotions, we first have to go towards them. It requires us working with them, not disowning or fearing them. We want our afflictive emotions to be healed by God, rather than us just "eliminating" them through repressive means

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Getting in touch with our feelings can be difficult at first. We may feel overwhelmed at times. We may also feel confused about the array of feelings and conflicting emotions that we begin to experience. Sometimes we may even feel worse before we feel better. The important thing is to feel.